Power Outage at Boston Manufacturing Plant Prompts Hart’s Fuel Services

power outage bostonAn unexpected power outage can bring a manufacturing plant to its knees, costing valuable production time and potentially impacting product quality. But not when Hart Fueling is on the other end of the call!

Recently, a local manufacturing plant in Boston, MA experienced a disruptive power outage. Faced with the potential for production delays and lost revenue, the plant manager knew they needed to act fast. That’s where Hart Fueling stepped in.

Delivering the Fuel to Keep Production Running

Our team received the call after the power outage and was quick to respond. Understanding the critical nature of the situation, we immediately dispatched a 500-gallon fuel cube to the facility. This portable fuel tank provided the necessary reserve to power a 1-megawatt generator, ensuring a seamless transition from grid power to backup power.

Hart continued to supply the needed fuel to keep the plant operational until power was restored.

Fuel Delivery, Fuel Tank Rentals & More

We offer more than just fuel delivery. Our team of experts can also help you assess your backup power needs and provide you with the right-sized fuel tank for your specific operation. This ensures you have the fuel reserves necessary to weather any power outage, minimizing downtime and potential losses.

At Hart Fueling, we understand the importance of reliable fuel delivery. With our nationwide coverage and commitment to prompt service, we can ensure your business has the fuel it needs to keep operations running smoothly, even during unexpected power outages. Contact us today to discuss your backup power needs and learn how we can help you ensure a reliable fuel supply, no matter the circumstances.