Hart Fuels Restoration Efforts in South Philadelphia Flood Cleanup

Hart Fueling was recently on a job in South Philadelphia to fuel restoration efforts after a commercial building faced significant flood damage. Partnering with a restoration company, we kept their equipment running continuously, wet-hosing fuel directly into the generators and desiccant dehumidifiers used to combat water damage.

Urban or Rural – Hart Meets Your Fueling Needs

In urban settings like South Philly, parking and space constraints are challenging, especially for large fuel delivery trucks and equipment. To fit in where we needed to go, our team used our fuel truck upfit from Thunder Creek, a compact mobile solution that allows our drivers to navigate tight spaces easily and deliver fuel efficiently. This truck upfit design proves ideal for urban fuel deliveries, making refueling convenient and reliable even in densely populated areas.

Hart’s Dedication to Disaster Response

We are dedicated to supporting disaster recovery teams, whether locally or nationally, ensuring they have fuel resources right when they need them. With solutions tailored to both the project and location, we make sure restoration crews can focus on what matters most: restoring property and normalcy for clients. If you need fuel for a restoration project or any emergency, contact our team for prompt and professional fuel delivery.