Are Containment Berms Recommended with Double-Walled Fuel Tanks?

hurdle bermIf you are looking into adding on-site fueling to your construction site, shop yard, landscaping or restoration job, or demolition site, we highly recommend using the safest industry standards. At Hart, we are committed to providing the resources necessary to keep your team safe, the environment clear of contamination, and your job moving along efficiently.

Use Double-Walled Fuel Tanks

Our team always recommends using a double-walled fuel tank whenever possible. With a double-walled tank, there is an internal tank that holds the fuel and an outside wall that protects the internal tank from cracks, holes, or accidental spills. If you are using a single-walled tank, there is no protection from an accidental spill or leak, leaving the land and your team at risk.

The Safest Approach

When we are asked whether or not a containment berm is recommended in addition to a double-walled fuel tank, we typically respond with the safest and simplest answer: yes. Whether or not a berm is required will depend on the site, the job inspector, the specific township, and whether or not the job is at risk for other environmental hazards. The reason we recommend adding a spill pad or containment berm is because not all spills or breaks happen to the tank itself.

For example, many job sites can move quickly. This leaves a lot of room for error or accidents even with the safety of a double-walled fuel tank. If a worker forgets to replace a fuel nozzle due to the busy job site or a hose becomes broken – there is a great risk of an environmental hazard. Additionally, not all sites are on even terrain. If you set a fuel tank on uneven ground, it can tip over or leak.

Prevention is Best

hart bermIf there is an opportunity to prevent any possibility of danger to health or the environment, we recommend taking it. In the scenario above, a containment berm or spill pad could be the difference between a contained spill or a huge disaster. Our team also recommends keeping fuel tanks and berms away from vehicles and heavy equipment. Instead, keep them in an area of the job site that is relatively undisturbed to avoid bumps, tips, or accidental spills.

Hart has double-walled fuel tanks, containment berms, and spill pads available to keep your site safe. Let us help you avoid the risk of disaster and contact us today.

Posted In: Resources